英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 19:03:31

touch off

英 [tʌtʃ ɔf]

美 [tʌtʃ ɔf]

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1. put in motion or move to act

e.g. trigger a reaction
actuate the circuits

Synonym: tripactuatetriggeractivateset offspark offsparktrigger off

1. 引发;触发;引起
If something touches off a situation or series of events, it causes it to start happening.

e.g. Is the massacre likely to touch off a new round of violence?

1. touch off的反义词

1. 开(炮等触发:too...to... 太...以致不能... | touch off 开(炮等触发 | touch on 关系到,涉及到

2. touch off什么意思

2. 触发:touch ground 触及实质 | touch off 触发 | touch on 略微谈到

3. 放火火灾:totebox 运输斗 | touch-off 放火火灾 | touching test 触摸测试

4. touch off是什么意思

4. 爆炸:taps熄灯号 | touch off爆炸 | tough fighting激烈战斗

So my brother and I went out to touch off the firecrackers.(所以我和哥哥出去放鞭炮。)
They stopped once to touch off a volley, and then they ran down to the sunken road behind the stone wall.(中途他们一起还击了一次,然后就冲到了石墙后下陷的路面。)
It's a simple picture: off-white, with black stripes and four color areas: black, blue, pale lemon yellow, and a touch of orangey red.(这是幅简单的作品:灰白背景,黑线条,以及四个色块——黑色、蓝色、淡淡的柠檬黄、和少许橘红色。)
I wanted to keep in touch, but when I called him he gave me the brush-off.(我想和他保持联系,可是当我打电话时,他却不理我。)
Children should keep their hands to themselves and off objects other people touch, like counters or drinking glasses, to avoid spreading the virus.(小孩要管好自己的手,不去碰别人摸过的东西,如柜台或饮水杯,以避免传播感冒病毒。)
The Light Touch casts a big image from up close by bouncing lasers off a 0.4-inch microdisplay, using techniques from holography to keep the picture in focus despite the sharp projection angle.(这种轻触型工具播放的近距离图像是在0.4英寸的微小型显示器上反射的激光形成的,使用全息摄影术以保持图画尽管在投影尖角上依然聚焦。)
Using this signal, we can unify the work time of all the instruments of the accelerator, and the touch off signals are related from each other, the twitter among the signals is small.(采用这样的方式,可以做到统一管理触发,并且各个延时触发信号之间具有相关性,彼此间的晃动比较小。)
After that, people found out "Year"s weakness, every family stay in house, stick red couplet, touch off the firecracker when "Year" come out, and it really don't come back again.(于是人们认识“年”性,每逢“年”出时,家家户户闭门家居,贴红联,燃爆竹以驱“年”。“年”果不再来。)
Some slight incident may touch off a major war...(一件小事可以触发一场大战。)
I'd run back to the beach, shoes in hand for a last touch of the sand, a last breath off the water.(于是,我便跑回海滩,脱下鞋提在手中,光着脚板最后再体会沙子的味道,面对大海最后深吸一口气。)
touch off是什么意思 touch off在线翻译 touch off什么意思 touch off的意思 touch off的翻译 touch off的解释 touch off的发音 touch off的同义词